Comand Online Ltd

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W211 last E, W219 CLS

This section shows the retrofit products we have for the W211 E and W219 CLS class.

The list is ordered as follows:
NTG2.5 (Hard Disk COMAND parts)
NTG1 (DVD based COMAND parts)

  SKU Product Our Price
MB-AUX-NTG1 Aux input for cars for W211/W219 E/CLS cars with COMAND APS NTG1 £39.98
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£6.66)
MB-AUX-NTG2.5 Aux input for cars with Audio-20 or COMAND NTG2.5 version £39.00
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£6.50)
MB-NTG2.5-BT-ANT Bluetooth antenna for Hard Disk COMAND-APS (NTG2.5) £34.99
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£5.83)
MAN-APS-E-1 Comand APS manual for E (W211), CLS class cars. £34.95
MAPDVD-NTG1-EU-2018-2019 Comand APS Map NTG1 DVD Europe 2018/2019 (V19.0) for E (W211), CLS, SLK (R171), SL (R230), Maybach, S/CL (W220/W215) £199.00
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£33.17)
MAPDVD-NTG2.5-EU-2019 Comand APS Map NTG2.5 - 2019 Europe update DVD for A B CLC W211-E CLS SL SLK ML GL R Vans £199.00
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£33.17)
CMD-NONMB-ANT-1 Comand GPS Antenna £40.84
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£6.81)
MAN-NTG2.5 Comand NTG2.5 Manual for A/B/CLC/ML/GL/R/CLS/SL/SLK W211-E MY2009 onward £49.99
MB-NTG2.5-ANT-SPLITTER FM/AM Antenna splitter adapter for Hard Disk COMAND-APS (NTG2.5) £39.83
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£6.64)
MB-GPS-ANT-TYPE3 Genuine MB GPS Antenna with Right Angle Fakra £150.00
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£25.00)
MB-HKAMP-NTG2.5-W211 Harmon Kardon Amplifer for NTG2.5 COMAND £1199.00
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£199.83)
MB-HK-SUBAMP-NTG2.5 HK Subwoofer Amplifer for NTG2.5 COMAND £299.00
Inc. VAT @ 20.00 %  (£49.83)